
Defining the needs of an OER project

Page history last edited by David Porter 13 years, 7 months ago

Objectives and timing


This workshop module invites you to examine existing open educational resource (OER) projects and begin to explore and determine the time, human resources, and planning issues involved in the implementation of an open educational resource (OER) project.


Assessing and defining the needs of an OER project

What kinds of OER projects exist across the world?


An Open Educational Resource (OER) project can take many forms. In this section we’ll look at some examples of OER initiatives that have different purposes.


For example:


  • An OER project can be designed by an educational institution to share its instructional materials. The MIT Open Courseware Initiative is a project of this type. http://ocw.mit.edu


  • It can be a project designed to support a specific subject or discipline. The OER Africa AgShare project is designed to share agricultural education resources. http://www.oerafrica.org/agshare. NPTEL India is a project designed to provide access to learning resources for Engineering, Sciences and the Humanities http://nptel.iitm.ac.in



  • It can be a project designed to invite educators to work together to produce freely available educational resources. The WikiEducator project is a project of this type.  http://www.wikieducator.org/Main_Page


Exploring OER projects and their goals

In this section you will explore a selection of OER projects from various parts of the world with a critical eye, to determine:


  • The purpose and objectives of the project

  • The target groups or audiences for the project

  • The kinds of OERs the project provides

  • The technology requirements for using the OERs

  • The value the OER project provides


Activity: Exploring OER projects and their goals


Use the table below to guide your exploration of three global OER projects. Complete the information in the table with short notes and be prepared to discuss your findings.


OER Project

Connexions: http://www.cnx.org

Purpose of the project


Target audience for the project


Kinds of OERs the project provides


Technology requirements for using OERs


Value of the OER project


OER Project

WikiEducator: http://www.wikieducator.org

Purpose of the project


Target audience for the project


Kinds of OERs the project provides


Technology requirements for using OERS


Value of the OER project


OER Project

Choose a project of your own using a Google search for “OER project”


Purpose of the project


Target audience for the project


Kinds of OERs the project provides


Technology requirements for using OERS


Value of the OER project



Comments (2)

wayne mackintosh said

at 3:23 pm on Apr 7, 2011

In the activity table - -I'd recommend adding a line for license used by the project. This is a good place to introduce the requirement for checking IP on different projects.

wayne mackintosh said

at 3:13 pm on Apr 7, 2011

For "category" of OER project I'd suggested adding a few examples for learners to explore.

1) Institution based projects -- add for example OpenLearn, Open Michigan https://open.umich.edu , Open Yale http://oyc.yale.edu/ etc.
2) Specific subject area /discipline -- TESSA is a good example
3) Collaborative development of OER -- Add Connexions and Wikipedia.

Not sure if the category of a "non-profit" makes sense in this context. What about projects which curate and assist with searching OER?

In good ODL tradition -- I'd recommend feedback on the activities prepared in advance.

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