
Workflow scenarios for digitization and distribution

Page history last edited by David Porter 13 years, 10 months ago


One of the most important aspects of using and reusing OER is ensuring that the resources that you find on the internet can be reused effectively in your teaching or learning context. There are a number of dimensions to use and reuse that can be mapped to a series of steps that encompass all the tasks required to insure a proper fit. These steps are called a workflow.


This module will introduce you to potential conceptual and technical workflows that will help you to use, reuse or re-engineer an existing OER to suit an educational need in your context.



Conceptual workflows

The workflow for OER production and reuse generally follows from the explorations that you will have done to find useful resources on which to build or adapt OER resources for local use.


In all cases you will need to understand the technical format in which the existing resource is built in order to modify it or build upon it. You will also need to understand its Creative Commons license so that you are confident that you can use or modify the resources, and that you are prepared to make the new resource available for others to use based on “share-alike” license provisions.


The diagram below shows the general workflow associated with finding, reusing, remixing and redistributing OER.



Source: http://wikieducator.org/File:Oer-handbook-educator-navigation.png



Another illustration of the workflow considerations for OER creation and reuse is shown below. The diagram below emphasizes the considerations required in an OER development cycle, including an explicit evaluation function.



Source: http://wikieducator.org/File:KtOER-Cycle-Iterative.png




Technical workflows

A more complex illustration of the workflow considerations for OER creation and reuse is shown below. In this case, the workflow emphasizes more technical processes that a team of developers might follow in an institutional environment.



Creative Commons License

OER Workflow Diagram by Lisa Rogers – Heriot-Watt University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial 2.5 UK: Scotland License. The OER workflow diagram by Lisa Rogers, and the explanation of its use is a valuable resource.



Activity: Consider the ideal workflow for you or for your organization

The workflows presented in this section of the workshop illustrate approaches that have been suggested to help developers understand all aspects of the OER creation and reuse process.


Which features of these diagrams are most useful to you?


Draw your own diagram of an OER workflow that would work in your context.  Add it to your Google Docs notes.



Comments (1)

wayne mackintosh said

at 5:46 pm on Apr 7, 2011

Lisa Rogers diagram is great - -but incompatible license. To alternatives -- clear re-licensing with Lisa or get somebody to recreate the diagram in open file format (preferably svg.) and re license.

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