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Developing blended OER content - incorporating images and video

Page history last edited by David Porter 13 years, 7 months ago


This workshop module introduces you to an important aspect of OER development. Blended OER content incorporates more than one teaching modality, such as text with animation, images, video clips and more. These modalities greatly increase the learner's ability to understand and apply concepts. While there are a variety of tools available to create blended, interactive online resources for education, some basic understanding of the features of digital images, the importance of file size in online resources, and available file formats can be very useful.



This module will:



  • Encourage you to try some hands-on activities with image resizing




  • Encourage you to try to use some of the free open source image manipulation and flash file generation software available in the public domain, such as:


  1. GIMP and GetPaint: www.gimp.org; http://www.getpaint.net
  2. Creating software demonstration videos: www.debugmode.com/wink/download.htm



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