Copy of OER Workshop

Welcome to the OER Workshop

This web site is designed to support a self-directed, activity-based approach to understanding how open educational resources (OER) can be used to support teaching and learning in open and distance learning contexts.


















Use the Sidebar at the right side of the page to choose the module you wish to use.

You can use these materials in sequence from Module 1 to Module 5, or in any order you choose.


The assembly and presentation of workshop materials were sponsored by the International Development Research Centre of Canada (IDRC - CRDI) and were produced by Wawasan Open University (Malaysia). The materials were first used at a training workshop at Hanoi Open University in June 2010. This web site provides access to a revised and updated version of the workshop materials.


Each module contains both information and activities. The idea is for you to learn about OER concepts by exploring the information, web links and media resources within the modules, and then for you to collect and manage OER resources that make the most sense for you in your personal or institutional context.


We used Creative Commons to help us prepare these workshop materials

The resources on this web site are either new materials or repurposed (remixed) materials licensed under Creative Commons.  



You should explore the Creative Commons web site to find out more about how its licenses make educational materials freely accessible for use, reuse, remixing and redistribution. 


Creative commons licenses provide the mechanism that allows educators to freely share and reuse digital educational materials for teaching and learning.


Read about Creative Commons and education



Please note: You will need to install the Adobe Flash Player to view the videos that accompany these materials.